Ace the OMVIC Practice Test 2024 - Drive Your Sales Career into High Gear!

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What role does OMVIC play in administering the Compensation Fund?

Administrates the Compensation Fund

OMVIC plays the role of administering the Compensation Fund, meaning they are in charge of managing and supervising the fund. This includes making sure that claims are properly handled, funds are collected and distributed, and all necessary administrative tasks are completed. Option B is incorrect because OMVIC does not simply collect funds for the Compensation Fund, they have a much more involved role in its management. Option C is also incorrect as OMVIC does play a role in administering the fund. Option D is incorrect because OMVIC is not just overseeing claims, but rather fully administering the Compensation Fund.

Collects funds for the Compensation Fund


Oversees claims for the Compensation Fund


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